Nebula proximity
yes, some nebula are visible from earth, so life is possible

Nested moons
Yes but it seems it's really rare. You need to meet different conditions

the smaller moon need to be in the inside the Hill sphere of the larger moon : Hill sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the smaller the second moon is, and the larger the larger moon is, the easier it is to make it fit in the sphere. The Hill sphere will be larger if it's far from the planet.

so the consequences are limited because the moon can't be too big or too close to Earth. To test more specific scenario you could try Universe sandbox, there is a free trial: Universe Sandbox

Moon of a Larger Giant gas
I don't know enough to answer

Twin suns
Yes if the second star is far enough. The closer it is, the hotter it becomes. Until the planet become a desert.
You can have 2 stars orbiting close to each other near the center of the system. The impact on the temperature could be small if you put the planet farther from them.
You can have the planet orbit 1 star and having a second star (smaller) orbiting around the main star but very far away. Or have the closest star orbit the other star is also possible.

Twin Earths ...
I don't know, they could become tidal locked to each other. Some parts of each planet would never have direct sunlight.

Ring in the Sky
having a moon that orbit too close to the planet. If the moon is small enough and if it's closing the distance slowly (and not crashing) it will disintegrate and create a ring. If the moon is too big, it could fall on the planet instead and killing pretty much everything.

You could also imagine a scenario in the future where the rings are made either of space junk or orbital infrastructures.

Large igneous province
Lava does not erupt in large quantity so it usually cools down pretty fast. That said, there was a time where earth was mostly made of lava. So it's possible but the planet could not host lifeforms without advanced technology.

Axial Tilting periodical movements

A mount Olympus ( from Mars ) Volcano on Earth

according to my knowledge some species could survive (in the lower stratosphere which is lower than the Olympus)but not humans. there is not enough oxygen.

Large Chasms
There is plenty of Chasms on Earth! The grand canyon and the rift in east Africa are some of the best examples. Usually, chasms get filled with water when they get big enough unless they form in the desert. The biggest one would be the Atlantic ocean.