Not much time available, just by chance. I've thought a bit about starter-ideas... might help spark entrants? Simon & Garfunkel singing "I am a rock - I am an island!" Or conversely the John Donne poem "no man is an island..." The John Denver song with the line "I want to live with my feet in Dixie and my head in the cool, cool North". Looking at the back of my hand or my forearm I wonder if the veins would make a road network... or one of rivers. Or since I'm an engineer by trade, would a railroad network be more appropriate? A familiar neighborhood is said to be as well known as the back of one's hand... In the Appalachians a phenomenon crops up where some hilltops or mountaintops are treeless - just grass and shrubs - and not like it's above treeline by altitude; neighboring taller peaks can be fully treed. I too am balding, and those hilltops are called 'Balds".

We use unusual methods of generating random-but-plausibly-systematic coastlines - I wonder if a set of profiles of me, rendered as B&W cutouts, would make raw materials to snip and puzzle-fit to make interesting landmasses. I'm rather less fractal than a cloudy sky, but it's at least a different thought.

I briefly considered combining this with the July regular challenge - with barbarian invaders vs defending troops being bacteria vs. my immune system....

I could do a superhero map of the city I so valiantly defend from supervillains... except if i had a superpower it would be obliviousness. Y'know: "able to ignore tall buildings at a single glance." Not the most dynamic of subjects. "Captain Oblivion, the, uhhh, ignorable foe of lukewarm ill-will?"

Map of me, map of me, map of me. Hmmm. Well, the punnily obvious choice is the USA State of Maine, standard abbreviation ME. I could go pun-low from all angles, with neighboring fictional states of Doray and Faso.

A geekily appropriate topical map would be to take places I've lived, weighted by lengths of time in each, and derive cartographically my average location across my life. Ditto locations I've worked plotted vs. lengths of time each, getting my average workplace. Hmmm - wonder what that means my "average commute" is, effectively...