Quote Originally Posted by sozme View Post
Thanks for your reply and the great map you posted. The main issue I am having, not only with this individual mapping project but with writing in general is that I have a fairly severe clinical OCD. It is extremely difficult for me to actually place some of the homeworlds on a galaxy map because I am unsure about whether or not that specific spot is reasonable, whether or not that specific spot has a star system in it that is actually named, and whether or not there is some other identifying marker there that I could use in creating the map. I've been planning the details of the story itself for many years now, but I'm stuck on this one part. I might just have to try to pay and hire someone like yourself to help me actually create the map. Ive tried to do it so many times myself but have been completely unsatisfied and have not been able to find a good resource to make it easier for me.
are you creating a new galaxy or adding stars to the Milky way like in Mass effect?

My best tips in worlbuilding in general if your not sure what to do : imitate your surrounding. Look at where the Sun is in the galaxy. Why ? What's around ?
If I remember correctly, the homeworld in mass effect shared some characteristics. Where are they located in the galaxy and what kind of star they have are probably the 2 most important criteria that I can remember.

BlackChakram: I would like to hear what makes life and/or planet formation less probable. You said that being close to the center of the galaxy makes these impossible or being too close to a nebula. Are there other objects or phenomenons that might prevent the creation of life ?