Looks fabulous! I love the paper texture and the colors you've put on so far. The landmasses have nice shapes. The mountains are pretty as well, though the ranges look a little bit regularly spaced and of similar length - tapering off at equal distance from the coast. Lots of parallel ranges that are perpendicular to the channel between may not be strictly natural... but I'm not at all sure it wouldn't be... it's just something that caught my eye. I think the size of the mountains compares well with the size of the map; maybe a little larger than actual scale if the northern part is Europe-sized, but any smaller and you'd definitely have trouble painting them. Is the picture you uploaded the actual document size or shrunk down? I've found it helps to do digital paintings at least twice larger than the final image. The brushes work better, too, when they aren't just a few pixels wide. Sorry. Rambling. I look forward to seeing this progress.