Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
Is that supposed to be the tectonic plates / boundaries? If so, I am sorry to say it is a missed shot, Patmos It doesn't really fit the landmasses.

Use this procedure:
1 - Search for the largest/longest ocean - that's the sea north of Eth'Felar
This will have a mid-ocean dorsal, which is the region where new oceanic crust is being formed, and it is a divergent boundary between two plates.
2 - Figure out how far those plates go
One of them is Eth'Felar and apparently it doesn't matter for this map. On the other side (north), you have a very good looking island-arc. This usually happens where oceanic crust is being subducted, so you can end the plate right there.
3 - Figure out the implications of ending those plates where you did
Well, the simpler implication is that the sea between those two strings of islands is continental crust (that's why the oceanic crust subducts under it).

4 - Find other oceans, repeat the process

4 - Find other interesting tectonic places, repeat the process

The inland sea of Imry is an interesting place. Inland seas form when continental crust collides on all sides, raising mountains that close off a basin. This is always a temporary situation as erosion and sediments will either fill the sea or open a canal to the oceans. Therefore, it is much more plausible if there are plate boundaries (convergent type) on both sides of the inland sea.
Another interesting place is that canal in the northwestern corner. Long stretches of sea like that (I'm thinking red sea, persian gulf) are areas where two continents are moving away (divergent boundary) from each other. You could try this as well, it would fit very "plausibly".

I am very much a beginner at plate tectonics. I got some books from the library, but as I am a visual learner, the process is difficult. Honestly, the plate between the island chains was the only one I was sure of. I very much appreciate the feedback, though. I will try a little harder to think rather than scribble. XD

That southern-most island chain... I don't know if I should keep it or not, but it might make sense when I think about it in the context you just said. I wonder if I should just connect that upper canal to the ocean (more north) and bulge out that inlet. Right now in the setting, countries are actually working together to get the west end of the sea connected to the ocean (for trade purposes and to also help drain that lower lake, which had flooded a valley kingdom a thousand years before due to magic-induced earthquakes taking out a natural dam).