Thanks for the insight! I made the mistake of running rivers with a "well...that looks nice" mindset, and then after the fact was like, "oh yeah, 'rivers merge, they rarely divide'...better fix that," and then went backwards and tried to clean em up. So, not too surprised that there's still some river rule breakin' goin on in there.
I have a bad feeling that you're gonna end up being right about those central mountains, and that eventually, I'm gonna regret having them look like they do. Only justification I have for it is that the range and the specific large mountains all work for the naming conventions I have established...though, in truth, I could have achieved that same effect with mountains that aren't quite so...imposing...
And as for the swirls in the land texture, the reality of that is, I got to those sections of land and started shading, and was like, "Ya know, it'd look kinda cool if there was a sort of whirlpool effect...but ON LAND!" Makes no sense really, but hey...there it is...I have a world component that I have in mind that needs a home, and I might use that area for it...I dunno. The one farther north, I wanted it to look like the land sort of eroded and rippled downwards to where water level is, creating a sinking land effect...almost a quicksand type region perhaps. Not fictional "swallow you alive" quicksand, just the kind of terrain you wouldn't want to travel through.