Great responses. Given your needs, I have some suggestions for you.

  • You have A LOT of water. It seems like a waste of space. You could easily extend some continents, or have extra landmasses in of varying sizes and shapes.
  • Your near-polar fields I think, will look nicer with more forest. Otherwise you're going to have a lot of tundra up north which is just empty, cold nothingness. Same with your southern polar regions which are currently green and empty. Because you have a lot of what I can only assume is fields, and vast empty green fields are actually quite a rare natural biome. That's just an aesthetic point.
  • You don't have many islands and the ones you have are rather small. Some more variation there might look nicer.
  • Even if your realism is only a one out of ten, your antarctic region doesn't make sense. The bottom line of a full map is actually ONE point on a globe - the south pole. So the entire bottom line should be the same, just stretched out immensely. Wrap it around a sphere and you'll see what I mean. Same with your arctic region. If you want to leave them then that's fine. I'm just making you aware.

What's that big black area, and what's the wall-looking thing around it?