hello, and thanks all for this beautiful web site

i just discovered this website and was really amazed by everything i saw, but because i don't really know which work i can use and which i can't i'd rather asking if it is possible to have some maps made for what i need.

i only need 2 or 3 maps for a Rpg campaign (so in a fantasy world) and i was very impressed by the work i could see here Cartographers' Guild - City of Galastan by Blaidd Drwg and would like to know if there coul be any possibility to have 1 smaller town and 1 smaller city in the same way (or for the matching set of 1 more capital city to have a matching set of 3 different sizes of cities)

i want them only for a campaign i'll do with some friend (starting on the 5th of october) and don't really know how much time is needed (i'm hopeless with graphic log like gimp and so on -_- if not i would have tried to do it myself)

i would like to print them so i could use it during my games and give some to the players but really dont know the right size would be enough (and i'm french so inch are just messing my brain even more XD)

i will manage to draw for the little dungeons and caves (even if this will be ugly XD) but for the towns my players will be coming a lot i would like some good piece of work.

i can give more details by mail
julien.debladis --AT-- gmail.com

and i'm really grateful if anyone is interested by helping me

keep doing your amazing job here (i think i'll check this web site more and more as time passes by)