Hi Adversary. Nice going for a first map. A few things to point out:

--question: why is the logging camp on the N side of the river? It makes it harder and more expensive to transport logs (if the village is the destination of those logs, that is).
--question: why is the logging camp so far from the trees?
--suggestion: move the Belaya Voda label so it isn't sitting on top of the village. It currently obstructs part of the layout, and you could easily move it to the river, or the lower left or right of the village, where there is empty space currently.
--suggestion: some of the colours, I think, are problematic. The sand is the worst offender, but I'm not too keen on the roof colour either. Maybe make them more saturated, to match the other rather muted colours you've got there.
--suggestion: maybe add something under the trees, like a texture, to represent underbrush. It can extend a bit beyond the tree line, as well.
--suggestion: there is a lot of empty space in this map. This might just be personal taste, but I think it would look better if you filled that space up a bit. You could add some scattered trees (forests/jungles don't just end with a line, they tend to thin until eventually they stop; it's gradual); some texture to the grass areas; additional buildings/plantations/farms scattered around etc.
--suggestion: it might also look better if you change the angle of some of the buildings. Having them all at right angles to the picture frame looks a bit odd. The building beside the ferry on the north side, for example, could be made to align with the road.
--suggestion: increase the Key so that you have more room to fit the scale. At the moment it looks a bit squashed in there.
--question: some of those boats beside the docks look really, really small. Are they realistic sizes for boats?