hey there.

thanks for the feedback!

Pat: Yep, thats right. It's all very well having a pretty picture but it needs to deliver the information as it's meant to be an document of such. So tha'ts my next personal challenge and I've been studying the work of others here at the guild - in the Featured maps section. Particualry the work of Torq, HandsomeRob and of course, Anna.

I did some testing tonight with rendering Effects in PS to bring back some shaded relief shadows so it doesnt look as flat, so I'll update soon with that done.

Midgardsormr : thanks, yes I ave seent that article, but as with a lot of interesting stuff I dont normally have time to read and try it all out either. I'll probably look into it more when I do larger a map

Torq: hey - just talking about you above - Thanks. Yeah Wilbur's a great tool. there's a lot of scope. The errosion is done by going through the 'fun with wilbur' tutorial and adapting the settings. while doing that, just concentrate on the mountains and what you would expect to see. Then save it out as a height map and cut out the mountians area onto the rest of the land heightmap. otherwise I end up with millions of rivers and streams, so I thought I'll have a go by doing the above. seemed to work.

Neonknight: wow, thanks. The height map before wilbur was as much I could do using greyscale in PS. I'll post up a before wilbur height map and the result of multiple exported gray scales from wilbur blended together for the final heightmap via photoshop so you can see the difference. Hopefully do that tomorrow.

thanks for the feed back, everyone!
