If this is a text based game, do you need graphics? Is this a map you will be posting somewhere? If you won't be posting it anywhere I would suggest just breaking out a piece of paper and pencils and making some bubble diagrams of the layout and don't waste time with actually mapping it. If you are going to be mapping it, then I would definitely suggest CC and the CD add-on.

Regarding the software piracy topic, you should know that there are some folks on here that actually make a living creating that software and there are others that are IT professionals that are very security and rights minded. You should know that your IP address is captured when you post here and that information could be used against you. I would strongly suggest that you keep that in mind when posting to any internet forum. I would hate to see one of our members get in a huge amount of trouble especially when there are so many free open source solutions out there.

My suggestion would be to download and install GIMP and then go to the Dundjinni and RPGMapShare sites and download some of the user created tiles from those sites and use them to build your city. If you need help with any of it you can post your work in the WIP forums and get a ton of help with making it look awesome. Best of luck to you!