It does look pretty good. You did a great job of cleaning up the pixelated lines. And the ink-bleed is pretty good effect.

Points of mild criticism: I think the blurring is a bit much (I know, I also suggested you do some blurring!)... I'd try a narrower range on the blur, and supplement it with a few extra very narrow range ink-bleeds. In other words... have the blur and ink-bleed only go out a handful of pixels.

Also, a hand-drawn style map would probably have more variety in the types of symbols used for mountains and trees. This can usually be accomplished in some easy way, both in PS and GIMP, but I'm not positive on the method used for PS. Basically, there's some way of using a brush that alternates between several different tree symbols, for instance, to provide variety to a forest or several mountain symbols to provide variety to a mountain range. If you have enough symbols (I'm thinking about 5-ish, but this is only a gut instict), it truly amps-up the hand-drawn look.

Anyway, great job!