First off I kinda agree with chick on this. I sarted, along with a few others here, with a tectonic map and the continent I'm working on now doesn't really show all the time and work I went into making that map. I'm not saying all the work was wasted but I could have arrived at the same place without the tectonic map, the only place that it shows is at the global scale but at the continental it doesn't show.

If you still want to do tectonics though, I suggest you go do your reaserch on tectonics. Your going to need to know about divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries and how they intereact with eachother. Already looking at what you have so far I can see a lot of problem areas. You might also want to create a world map first and get tectonics all mapped out before going to a smaller scale, though thats just my opinion. And lastly check out the threads of other users who did the same thing, Pixie, Groovey, Azelor, myself and a few others started with tectonic maps and there is a lot of information.