Hello from Texas, ya'll. Korehammer posting here for the very first time. I've been directed here from Reddit, and it's never failed me before!
Except for that one time... *shudder*

I've been involved in pen and paper roleplaying for a little over ten years, DMing 3.5 for most of that time and playing in everything from AD&D to GURPS, White Wolf to ridiculous homebrew systems that don't even make sense to their creator. Over that time period I've been building my own setting and creating my own world, hindered only slightly by the fact that I don't have an artistic bone in my body. Here lately I've been looking over my maps and what little concrete geographical data I've got, and it looks back at me with a resounding "MEH."

Some boys of mine and I are looking to get into this little gaming thing on a more professional level, and if that's going to happen I'm going to need some better looking shinies. You know, mountains that make sense, coastlines that follow tectonic shifts... a world that doesn't look like it was drawn by a three year old.

So I guess what I'm really gettin' at with this rambling, drawn out introduction is expect some commissions from me in the near future, once I get everything hammered out and I know for sure what I want.

So, hi! Looking forward to talking to you, noobs and vets alike!

Now, on to browse the rest of the forum for realz.