I've been reading the site, the stickies and the conversations about different software. I've gathered that no matter which way I go I'll be faced with a plethora of learning curves. I have no previous experience with map making software or any kind of photo editing software, up until now I've always done hand drawn maps and went as far and creating a homemade prototype globe of my world.

With that on the table, I've looked at what there is in terms of software, what it costs and its associated learning curves. What I'd like to know is what experienced map makers think would be my best course of action.

I see many pros use Photoshop and Illustrator, I know those are pricy and I've also read that GIMP and Inkscape are free open source versions, if you will. I understand the learning curve would be steep to make nice maps of fictitious places such as the ones I find here made by the gifted cartographer's guild members, but how much steeper than CC3?

I've read many glowing reviews on Campaign Cartographer 3 and its addons, I've reviewed which ones I'd want and would use (CC3 / FT3 / CD3) but the issues I'd like opinions on are the following:

Will all maps made in CC3 and its associated addons be glaringly CC3-like? Will they lack a feeling of uniqueness?

Would you feel confident distributing maps for a professional project with CC3?

...and lastly

How much steeper would the learning curve for free programs like Wilbur Inkscape and GIMP than CC3 be for making quality maps?

I realize that this is always subject to the individual's motivation and capacity to learn, but for a layman like me, would you pros recommend either? I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into otherwise.

Thank you so much for your time!