Dave Haun
My first exposure to gaming was the Blue Box D&D in seventh grade gifted class, 1981. We moved on as quickly as the new editions came out, and branched off into Star Frontiers as well. In the Army a group of us played with a great DM who took our party to 18th level over the course of four years, in between the BattleTech and ShadowRun games. I had been the DM in High school, but he was a much better storyteller than I was. After the Army I played Ars Magica with a guy who wrote supplements for White Wolf, and met Jonathan Tweet at a convention. Then I finally got a girlfriend, married her, and was FAFIAted ( pardon the old fen reference ). Now the internet is allowing me to reconnect with those guys, Photoshop is allowing me to make things I only dreamed I could do, and my writing skills are polished. I have written over four thousand words on a new campaign setting that is heavily influenced by the hundreds of novels and webcomics I have read over the years. I hope it is original enough to publish, but even if not it will be interesting to share with my players.
I'm looking forward to learning from you, what I have seen here is amazing!