Well, after working for a year and a half at Briley Manufacturing, Inc. - I am back. Hold the applause - PLEASE! No - really. Just me. I was laid off back at the end of October by my request. I was fighting an uphill battle on three fronts and decided that if the other employees were going to fight me on everything that the website would never be fully operational. I had it all up and running but couldn't get the photos of the thngs we were going to sell and I couldn't get descriptions or prices. The son of the owner of Briley found a third party company to take over and now it is their problem to get all of the pictures, prices, and product descriptions. I hated to leave because I really liked Briley. But at the same time I completely exhausted myself by working 75 work weeks trying to get everything up and running. So I have been trying to sleep for twelve to sixteen hours a day just to recover. Only this week did I finally no longer feel like I was tired and had no energy.

On the bright side - Briley paid me two months of severance pay so I didn't have to worry about money coming in and now I'm starting on unemployment pay. So all-in-all I'm doing better. Now I just need a new job and one that is on this side of town or to go on SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance). I'm qualified but the last time I filed (over two years ago) I was denied because my doctor said I wasn't disabled. So I went to see him and showed him my left leg. He had never seen it before in the almost twenty years I have been going to see him. Once he saw it he went "OMG!" and agreed I was disabled. So I'm thinking of apply for it again. It would be nice not to have to worry about getting up and going to work every day. Getting tired of doing that and it would be nice to take a vacation where I'm not exhausted by working so many hours. :-) I might even be able to finish that map I started!

Anyway - just wanted to say hi! :-)
