@Mouldy Catskin - I work primarily on the iPad in an app called ProCreate. I use an Apple Pencil stylus. Then I bring the layered art into Photoshop for further work like adding text and borders.

@snodsy - Thanks! I might try some of these suggestions and make the ink lines very subtle.

@chick - Yeah, if I do get rid of the inks altogether I'll have to sharpen up some of the ridges with cleaner shadows.

@arsheesh - Thanks very much. I'm experimenting with those lines to see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback about the rivers. I'm anticipating that the overall color scheme of the map will change--I just put the parchment down there as a base to build upon--but even so I think the rivers could use a lighter, less saturated shade of blue. I have them on their own layer, so it will be easy.