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Thread: Making smaller maps from a larger map

  1. #1

    Question Making smaller maps from a larger map

    Hello i have been having a problem that i have been trying to figure out and am hoping someone here has the knowledge to help me out.

    So the issue i am having is that i am trying to make smaller more detailed local maps from a larger super continent map that i have made but i have no idea where to start and how easy it is to do. And also if i were to add things to the smaller map, do the changes transfer right to the bigger one or do i have to find a way to do it manually? Any help or tips would be very much appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Give some more details about what software you are using, how much detail is already on the continent map, and how much more detail you want on the smaller ones. Posting a couple of examples might help.

    Here is an example where I made a larger map, then two successively smaller more detailed ones from it.

    Maybe you can get some ideas from it.

  3. #3


    Oh sorry i forgot to put down the program

    The program i am using is Campaign Cartographer 3 and the map doesn't have anything on it besides the only continent on there that i made. I'm still rather new to the program so i am trying to learn as i go. And really its not so much of a creative problem as it is a technical one. I know where i want to put things but i just would like to know how to make smaller maps in a separate save file from the larger one so that i can hand out the smaller maps to the players while the larger one is for me to use as the GM.

  4. #4
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    This is a common question in the ProFantasy forums. I recommend asking there.

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