I'm a brand new member *waves hello*. This sounds like an amazing guild, and I'm excited to explore the forums features. I actually stumbled upon the guild while looking for an answer to this question: How do I create a real city map (San Francisco) using Fractal Terrains / Campaign Cartographer? I'd like to do this in those programs as opposed to Qdis, mainly because I'm on a client deadline and need to go with a program I'm more familiar. =)

I've created a bunch of fictional scifi maps and some fantasy maps, but this will be my first foray into attempting a real map. I'd take a modern real map of San Francisco, but I'm really looking to create a older version from around 1900 or so. Anyway, I wondered if any of you have done something similar and what method you used. I can't figure out if I have to upload a real map from something like Google Maps (which I thought was proprietary anyway), or if there are real world maps within FT or CC3. I've browsed the programs and googled for answers but I'm coming up short on answers.

I'm looking to do something like this: http://www.cliffhouseproject.com/maps/3732001.jpg

Thanks in advance!

~Cheri =)