In honor of Carnifax winning last month's challenge it seems only fitting that he have a say in selecting this month's challenge. Here is Carnifax's challenge for this month: " challenges dungeon/underground maps are rarely placed high... so i suggest a dungeon/underground map contest. It could be a fantasy battle map or a cave, or an underground crypt, a subway map, or even a post apocalyptic enclave!"

So boot up your computers and have those pens and tablets aready because we are off to another challenge! The winner will receive a golden compass. Some of the losers will no doubt complain about it. Tough noogies. If you cannot accept defeat graciously then perhaps it is better that you do not enter the challenge to begin with (you know who your are).

Don't forget to title your threads like so: March 2016 Challenge: <your title goes here>

Also don't forget to preface your work-in-progress attachments/pictures with the tag: ### LATEST WIP ###

If you don't put that tag in there, people can't view your entry in the thumbnail line-up when it's time to vote.

This challenge will end on or around March 31st (Pacific Standard Time).

Good luck, and may the best map win!