Quote Originally Posted by deanatglobe
Can one have a poly that is a combination of smooth paths and straight paths?
I believe you can, but you have to create them as individual paths (straight or curved), then use the PATH TO POLY command to combine them.

For coaslines, you will probably have best results with a fractal line, and you want to do something like this:
  1. Create a temp layer for your landmass with fractal coastline
  2. Use the fractal path tool to create your coastline (trace over the existing one for general outline); all you need to do now is create the three 'straight' sides of the landmass that meet the map border.
  3. Hide all layers except for your landmass and temp layer
  4. Turn ORTHO on
  5. Use the path tool to draw the three remaining sides of your landmass. The easiest way to do this is by selecting the PATH tool, then the ENDPOINT modifier; click on the end of your fractal coastline and extend the path down to where the map's bottom border is. Repeat for the opposite side of the landmass, then connect these paths with another path to create the third side.
  6. Use TRIM to INTERSECTION tool to snip away any paths that extend beyond the corners of the map border
  7. Use PATH to POLY tool to select the fractal and straight paths; this will close the paths to a single poly
  8. Adjust the poly's fill style as desired
  9. Delete the original landmass
  10. Use CHANGE LAYER to put your put your temp landmass on the correct map layer

This is kind of a whirlwind, so let me know if you get stuck. Cheers,