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Thread: Need Maps for my fantasy novels.

  1. #1

    Question Need Maps for my fantasy novels.

    Hi, I want maps to be made for my upcoming fantasy novels. Please do tell me what will be the cost of them?

  2. #2
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    I guess you should post some infos about the type of map you want (size ? color ? style ? ...) and maybe put some sample of what you'd like, maybe the author of such a map roams around.

  3. #3
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Sayan, you're more likely to get interested replies if you follow this layout for a map request:


    [I attach a scan of a rough sketch of the map I had in mind]
    [A brief verbal description e.g. - This will be a world map of three continents on an earthsized planet or this will be a map of a large coastal city]
    The scale of the map will be approximately X miles to the inch.


    [I am looking for a map in the following style - insert hyperlink of style of map required.]
    [I am looking for a (describe style e.g. greyscale, photorealistic, similar to the maps on page x of the DM's guide etc]

    Quality & Size

    [Professional / semi professional]
    [Required for print / web]
    [Dimensions of map: x inches by y inches (or pixels)]
    [Raster / Vector]

    Time Constraints

    What time limits (if any) are you working to?


    - (as simple or complex as you need. If you want something watertight consult a lawyer, the suggestions below are just for illustrative purposes and may not provide the protection you require).
    Please note that in order to use the map in any publication you'll need reproduction rights or copyright to the map. However for most uses, commercial and non-commercial, reproduction rights are enough. If you ask for full copyright to the map you should normally expect to pay more for it. (read more about copyright here). Sometimes you only want rights for a single use of the map and sometimes you'd like to have rights to use it again and again, so what it may be used for and for how long should be considered.

    I would like reproduction rights to the map
    I would like copyright of the map
    The artist will retain copyright of the map
    I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.

    Tip: *** You are unlikely to get a cartographer to make your map if you want it done for free but also want to have copyright of the image ***

    Contact Details

    Please note that as an anti-spam measure you need to have 5 posts on the board before you can send or receive Private Messages on this bbs. If you post an e-mail address you might want to take some precautions against evil, e-mail address harvesting spambots.
    Hope this helps!


  4. #4
    Guild Member Cuin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Madison, WI


    I assume they'd be similar to maps in Lord of the Rings, and A Song of Ice and Fire. For a black and white map in a similar style I'd do it for $100, you can email ( me if you are still looking. I'd imagine that is a discount price, but this would be a first commission. Also, I'm a writer, so I'd be excited to work on a map for a novel.

    on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer

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