I keep my WIPs over at my DeviantART site -


And the finished ones are all hosted at CandleKeep.com

I just want to state for he record I am no artist - I'm just a master of 'copy & paste'. At least 50% of what I do is lifted from official maps (I keep them updated with any missing lore).

I have done quite a bit of hand-drawing some of the textures, but I still rely heavily on rotating and resizing existing stuff to make it my own. I have a few things that are 100% mine, and I'll look through them and put them here.

But even the stuff that is all me is drawn in the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms style, because I love it so much. I'd like to learn how to do things differently, though, so I'm glad I found this site.

Thank you for making me feel welcome.