Quote Originally Posted by landorl View Post
I had the same thought as MarkusTay, but it is good to hear that you have an explanation. I would make some sort of annotation on this map that those are unknown lands. Overall though, I think this is a great map with a good style.
Once my Term papers are all written I shall get on that! Thanks

Quote Originally Posted by Talroth View Post
I would give the straight line some fading, blend it into the ocean or even fade out the colour in that area completely to show that the section is 'unknown'.

Some issues with rivers/mountains. The long one flowing north past Ardora looks odd. First off it appears to break though a mountain range, which means you either have to change the mountains to funnel the river for that far (I would have expected the river to break east or west before it got to that northern range, but if there was a long double spine of mountains on either side of that bit of land, then I would also expect to see a few large lakes in there.)

Another thing, are you aware you have a dead sea? Castleberry Sea is kind of odd, in that it is a major body of water that doesn't connect to the oceans. Break a straight through from Castleberry to Trireme maybe? Would likely generate some massive tides, and be a less than ideal sailing route for captains that aren't the most experienced.

Angling your text might make some things a little more clear, "D. of New-lands"? "BS"?

Ah the Orcman pass... I know its a bit jarring but an Orc Wizard actually created that pass during a great war, so as to allow the Lupican navy a way of penetrating the country with much needed supplies. I'll be sure to annotate that on the map as well! I'll also add some more rivers off the back end of that range, so as to make it more realistic.

The D. of Newlands is The Duchy of Newland and BS stands for Burtonshire, i.e. the Viceroyalty on the peninsula. I figured since they were the same color, everyone would understand... Hmm, maybe I should include a side list of all the nations and any abbreviations I use for them?

Ah, the Castleberry Sea is actually a massive lake (akin to one of the great lakes). It does have a high salinity, compared to fresh water but isn't nearly as high as salt water.

Quote Originally Posted by landorl View Post
I don't think that the Caspian Sea connects to an ocean, but it is considered by many to be a lake rather than a sea. Still, it is pretty significant in size, so I don't see any problems with it not connecting to the ocean.
That and the Aral sea are what I drew my inspiration from!