If the nearest asteroid has a period of 10hrs then that makes it about 20,000 km away. If your asteroid was 175km long then it would have the same diameter as our moon at about 30 arc minutes. So if you think the asteroid is too small to eclipse stuff then fair enough but I was thinking of something pretty big. Even if this asteroid was say 10km across then it would still have 1/15th the moon diameter which is still a discernible blob shape in the sky. Hope my math is right here I have seen the ISS plenty of times and its bright but pretty point like without a scope. Well its just my wild imagination making the asteroid vast enough to be worthy of a trip from Bruce Willis I guess.

This pic is our asteroid sizes compared to our moon

so given that our moon is 20x farther than your asteroid orbit then odds on that any of these would be pretty blobby.