Quote Originally Posted by NeonKnight View Post
Cool beans!
Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
I'll second what Midgard said. The paper aging looks flawless and the sunburst is almost cheeky, but in an appropriate/cool kind of way.
Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
Very nice! I like the paper aging you've applied, and the sunburst emphasizing Japan is a good touch.
Thank you all!

Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
I could wish that the landmass continued beyond the countries depicted, to show that they're not the whole of the continent.
That's what I was originally planning to do, but I was drawing this all in InkScape, which doesn't let you copy images/objects from one file and then paste them in another, so I had deleted the map I was tracing from before I had realised that I would have to draw the Northernmost part of Borneo. Unfortunately I had also gone on to draw a great deal before I realised this, so undoing until the map reappeared would mean undoing a great deal of work, so I decided to just leave the rest of Asia out and just have the EACO instead.