The accessibilty requirements were very much on my mind when I redesigned the washrooms. A while back I purchased a copy of the PDSyms DXF v2.0 Architectural/Interiors Symbols Library by PenDean Inc. which I've recently converted (well, mostly) to FSC catalogs. One of the folders in the library was dedicated to ADA standard templates for washrooms, toilet stalls, urinals, drinking fountains, etc., as well as a set of posters outlining accessibility standards for corridors, doorways, ramps, parking spaces and the like. I specifically made sure that both washrooms were accessible by these standards, with a 5 foot turning diameter for wheelchars in both washrooms and approach corridors and toilet stalls of the approved width. The library also contains symbols for common furniture, fixtures, appliances, stairs, doorways, etc. (both plan and elevation) used in standard architectural drawings. It is all very detailed and useful.

Which leads to another you have any online sources for the building codes you mentioned? I would prefer federal regulations (either US or Canadian) or international standards to local ordinances since the latter can vary widely. I'm not sure where to start looking.


Dalton "who is too lazy right now to think up a clever tagline" Spence