lovely looking map!

Some very small suggestions:

I'm not sure whether it's just the way that CC3 resolves small shapes but the coastlines of the smaller islands look inconsistant with coastlines generally (unless it's a look you're going for).

Again, unless it's a look you're going for you may want play about with de-saturating the colours a bit. Profantasy seem to love super saturated colours.

Many of the mountain ranges all use the same mountain symbol next to each other- perhaps it could use some symbol variance if you want a more 'natural' look. I havn't got CC3 so I don't know what's on offer in the new symbol department, although presumably you can scale.

The blue ice-field at the bottom jars a little, perhaps because the colour is so striking (this may be a saturation / tone issue). It seems to be some sort of localised temprature zone. If not then you may want to put some ice-fields in the continent and Islands on a similar lattitude.

Anyway, just some passing thoughts on what is a beautiful map.
