Quote Originally Posted by Malakor View Post
Jfrazierjr: Yeah, i was looking at that yesterday and thought it would look good for a color one. I'll have to give it a shot when I colorize this.

Cool... if you want to see how this would look if you drew them all as a single entity instead of as brushes, check out this thread. It's not finished yet, but it should give you an idea of how the mountains blend together as a unit. I have not tired, but I would expect with some careful fiddling, you could use the some brushes to get something just as good by using the smudge tool after you lay all your shapes down, though PS has more limits on it's brushes than GIMP does. Also, don't think that that trick is only for mountains. You can get some nice effects with trees also by drawing the color around, but of course this can get very tiresome if you tons of trees and the brushes in PS won't save them correctly(which I am not sure about).