This might just be me and my 2-3 years of conspiracy theory craziness talking, but Atlantish just sounds like somebody with a lisp wrote it instead of an alternate name. Also I don't think anyone's put Atlantis (gah, I typed Atlantish there, thank you!) near Australia before, but god knows there's hardly an official site for it.
As for the map itself, I think the book effect is very nice. If you're still looking to improve it, you could add some variety in the pages. Another thing is the map continues in a straight line past the center of the book. I'm not too sure if it should curve inward on a top-down view, but the image should be ... I don't know, pinched? I'm not sure how to describe this (or how to do it) but the page curves downward, so there ought to be a chunk of land 'missing' or distorted. I hope it's clear what I mean Another another thing is the shadow for the center of the book could be a bit darker.
I think the wood could be a bit more on the yellow side of brown/orange/ochre, and maybe make the pattern a little bigger...

Anyway, I do like the map, please don't get me wrong. These are just some suggestions. I really like the idea though, and the book idea is pretty awesome and well done.