Alas, I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, and I made every attempt to avoid it, but . . .

Simply put, there just isn't enough room. This became increasingly obvious as I kept looking at the latest render. Maybe it is just me, but the rivers/lakes were just odd and the mountains . . . Well, I wasn't happy with them at all. I need more land mass. I need more editing space (spoiled myself by working with larger resolutions in Terragen, so 513 by 513 is giving me claustrophobia! ). And I desperately want more detail, so it's back to the elevation file for a few days.

The good thing about this is that it will give me room to build up various buildings in and around Haevenstadt as well as in the outlying regions and should also give me better detail when I go to re-work both the elevation scheme and the rivers. The bad thing is that I will have to rebuild my surface maps and distribution masks, in which case, it might be time to take a closer look at GIMP.

I'll try to get a base elevation update up here as soon as possible, but the time consuming task is going to be rebuilding the coast line. As I start increasing the size it gets too "smooth" looking, and while that isn't bad in some places, other places need that extra bit of roughness for added effect. And, of course, I'll have to fill in a few low spots, but that is the easy part.

Terribly sorry for the untimely delay, but I haven't abandoned the project, just doing the same old, same old and taking a couple steps backwards to get several steps forwards.