Hello, everyone!

I'm working as a screnplay writer on a very complicated story that involves a lot of movement, tactics and geographical movement.
My team needs a major map for every season of the series we're making as a comprehensible database that is map based.

Here's what we need:
A must:
- Having a large map with a functional navigation (zooming and panning so it can provide orientation in a, say, fighting scece in a small building, as well as going overland and overseas on long trips)
- That allows for adding layers with meta-data (in the form of basic lines, circles and areas in the form of lines and polygonal areas meant for political borders and areas of interest, as well as routes for characters.
- Allows for "pins" or some form of icons added to the certain positions on the map that, when clicked, offer a standard HTML formatted text (formatted text that allows for simple pictures and tables)
It would be awesome if said software solution could work "through time", sort of like this map: https://quartermaester.info/
We need to develop the story and make it coherent so that it works. For that we needd spacial orientation and a comprehensive map of all the space we're going to introduce in the story world seems like the best way to do it.

... would some of you good people let me know if there's a good software solution for this?

Thank you very much!