Quote Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I like it. Have some Rep. Is the cavern wall texture on its own layer and not cut into by the dungeon itself? If so, one trick I use is to duplicate the layer and then rotate it with the free transform function (make sure to stretch the selection to cover the whole layer). Then change the blending option to multiply and adjust the opacity to help blend the pattern in with the cavern pattern underneath it. I hope that makes sense.
Yes, the cavern wall layer is a seamless pattern fill with a mask. I'll try that duplicated layer idea tonight. That's a good one. Thanks!

Side Note/Question: This file is getting BIG! And I'm only working at 50 pixels per 5 ft. What are most of you working at with PS/GIMP maps? 50 dpi? 100? 200? And how large an area do you usually try to map in one file?