Yep, tracks, which are basically collections of latitude/longitudes/altitudes and some other meta data. I've got a pre-processor that'll take this data, correlate it with some other stuff and create what are roughly heat maps. I can assign color gradient files, so I could create them as greyscale image files. If tracks run over each other over time, which they do, they "heat up", and heat up surrounding locations as well.

So, that's the start.

Over the weekend, I wrote an exporter that generates DEM files that FT can import. (If there are other binary formats FT can read, I'd be eager to hear more about it! I'm a newbie to FT.) But, sadly — I don't think there's enough detail there as it is. FT runs across an entire world (-180 — 180 / -90 — 90) and my footprint on the world is limited to a small swath of Southern California, with jaunts to New York City and a few cities in Europe. (It's humbling to realize how much of the world I'll never see, which is one of the motivations for creating these maps.)

I think I need to find a way to get pre-process my data differently, to add more detail, or coverage to my maps.

Or, perhaps there's a different way to have FT embrace my data?
