Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
These look great J. There's really not much difference from you're digital to traditional colouring which is really inspiring since I've switched over to drawing on paper myself. I really want to try the copic markers but I can't quite stomach the cost just yet. I'm finding out quickly that traditional methods really aren't cheaper then my photoshop subscription.
It takes a bit of work to get the look to be sort of consistent. If I had more colors, it would be easier, perhaps.
You're right - traditional is way more costly, pretty much in every way.
But, there is a draw to it. You have a physical piece when you're done.
You can use it for making prints and also have an original to sell, if you're inclined.
It's also nice to disconnect form the pc... for me it's a desktop, so I am always at my desk.
I sit on my bed when I do traditional work. At least for drawing with a lapboard [while i listen to crazy podcasts].

The copic sketch markers are costly. No question. I started with just a few warm greys. Then grabbed a few greens.
My other markers are way cheaper. They're not as good, but they still do the job. sometimes. But they are more streaky, not as smooth blending.
I can put up links for other stuff I've bought. I'd have to look at all the brands.
I'm also about to order some other markers to try out.
Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
Looks great. I should try doing some smaller maps like this. We all should. Maybe I'll do one for today's inktober.
You should. Little maps are fun. And quick. And fun cus they're quick.
Not unlike your day 3 inktober piece. I'd love to see what you'd do with traditional work.
Your linework already lends itself to design markers for shading and color.