I have a few questions before I start writing the script.
  1. Will your stairs always descend counter-clockwise (ie. start from the bottom)?
  2. Do you want to draw the arc of the stairs or specify the number of steps?
  3. If (in the former case) the step depth does not divide evenly into the arc length of the staircase, do you want to trim the staircase (at top or bottom) or adjust the step depth (top, bottom or all)?
  4. The step shadow is currently 1/3rd the step depth. Do you want to change this? What transparency level should I use for it?
  5. Do you want to add an optional railing on either or both sides?
  6. According to "Architectural Graphic Standards", staircases should have at least one landing every twelve feet. Would you like this as an option?


Dalton "who's written an aMazing script ... if he could just get it to work" Spence