This is a gorgeous map. I like the softness, the color choices, and the painterly rock/mountain/earth components best. I think in a few places I could make suggestions that might help unify the look:

Some of your textures have a narrow black outline around them, like the forest areas. Removing or blurring this would help prevent them from looking like they are floating/separate from the terrain.

Likewise a brown rather than black coastline outline (or a less opaque one) might appear to blend in with the rock more naturally. Outlines always flatten the depth of field and work against your illusionistic quality.

It would be great to see the structures depicted from a bit of an overhead angle to conform with the birds' eye view of the terrain; most of the structures aside from the towers for some reason appear to be viewed sort of head-on instead of at the oblique angle. They, too, sometimes have outlines, and this might be hard to get rid of but if possible, I'd suggest it.

Hope the suggestions are useful. I like the watercolor-ish quality you've gotten and I'm thinking this is ideal evolution of the colorful fantasy map; closer to looking like an aerial view and not at all cartoonish. Great stuff!