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Thread: [Introduction] New account, same old me!

  1. #1

    Info [Introduction] New account, same old me!

    Hello community!

    I've been on here for a while as wthrasherb, but I'm creating an online brand and I'm trying to create matching accounts.

    Real Name is Wade. I'm 38. I have a beard and a chihuahua. I live in Colorado in the United States. I like maps (a lot). I'm having health issues and difficulty working a day job, so I'm pursuing things from home. I'll have a fully set up profile on here as soon as I have permissions to do so.

    Part of my content for my project will be worldbuilding and map making. I plan to be a more active community member with this account (eventually).

    All of this is in the baby stages, and I'm still setting up accounts and basic content.

    For now, I'm going to get on with posting and commenting on here so I can actually set up my profile and have messaging and such.

    I have a lot to learn from a lot of you out there. I hope I can help someone learn a thing or two as well.

    Thank you all for having me. I look forward to many beautiful maps!

    If anyone wants to participate in indie-publishing, gaming via virtual tabletops or online social platforms, helping others learn about worldbuilding and RPGs (Dungeons and Dragons in particular), please feel free to reach out to me.

    I don't think I can do private messages on here yet, and my social media isn't fully set up, but it at least "exists." So you can find me as Dungeon Monkey or DM Ninja or Biggus Beardus on most of the "mainstream" social media sites.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer JsinOwl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Massachusetts, USA


    Greetings freind, sorry to hear about the health issues, but good luck in your endeavors.

  3. #3
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries


    Hi DMNinja, I could have (or can still try to) change your old wthrasherb to this name if you like but I would have to move this name aside to make it free for the other to be renamed as it. If you have old posts and stuff in there that you dont want people to see with this new name then maybe its better to just let the old one wither into the dusty archives and post new stuff under this name.

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