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  1. #15
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Nov 2016


    Okay, here is the first part of a story that will accompany the map pack. I would really like to hear what you think about what it gets right and what it might need. Super thanks in advance.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    A story from College of Stormheart

    Giant doors, with a flowing pattern of owls over its face, swung open with a groan. The halls were lit by those odd flames I was always so transfixed with as a kid, I still don’t understand what they are besides a spectacular way to light a room. Ah, it has been some time since I last set foot in this place. Taking in a deep breath brings back so many memories. Growing up in the town and only dreaming in following in my mother’s footsteps was such a big part of my childhoid. But alas, with her being the Grand master of the College always made that probability highly unlikely. Still, I remained focus on becoming a part of the place’s household names.
    Now, to get to it; my footfalls weren’t as soft on the ornate stone floors. Moving silently in this hall would be a more difficult feet than what I used to.
    “Ah, good day sir... sir! How can I be of assistance?”
    The voice startled me from my thoughts and I turned in its direction, to be met by a man in grey robes behind a counter. I smiled and approached him.
    “Hello, I was looking for my m... um Grand Master Avanlia.”
    The robed man frowned for a moment before he said,
    “I am sorry, the Grand Master is a busy woman. Especially in these last few weeks.”
    The frustration bubbled up in me, but I didn’t just want to drop that I was her son. No, I wanted to work myself up without that label. This choice was just too important.
    “Ah, forgive me. Just send her word that Gareth would like to speak to her.”
    “I will be sure to do so.” The man answered respectfully. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
    It couldn’t be helped that I needed to wait a small while.
    “Ah, yes, it has been a long while since I have been here. I am hoping to start training here. I might need some information.”
    “Is that right? Then is there any desire to join the Blades, or a wish for something more in the line of the arcane? There is a field of training for quite a number if different adventurer types in the halls of Stormheart.”
    A smile crept up my face. Just a mention of me wanting to join had the man behaving differently. But, it’s still good to hear that the College was catering to several different paths.
    “I will see. For now I wish to head to the Blades Academy, are they still on the South East wing?”
    The man nodded and said,
    “Indeed it is. You can head there to spar if you wish. But, I have to insist that you know that if you wish to join any of the Paths, that the College makes available, there is a set of trials for each to enter into the ranks. This is not a school for the uninitiated, it is for those who wish to discover a Path more deeply.”
    I nodded, completely aware of the fact. It might seem daunting to someone not committed to their field of training, but for me it just excited me. I loved a challenge.
    With that, I left down the long hallway with many rooms going by on my sides. Quite a few was full of younger students preparing for the day that they would choose a Path to train in at the College. I smiled, I once sat in one of those rooms many years ago, eager to persevere so I can also choose my own Path at the College. A lot have happened in the years since, but I still wish to choose a Path, but it carries far greater meaning this time around. My hand curled up to embrace the amulet around my neck. A wild symphony of emotions swirled around in me. I will find a way to free my friend from that icy prison no matter how long it takes.
    A sigh escaped me as I realised I had brooded all the way to the door of the Blades Academy. For now, I wanted to test my skills with the blade with one of the trainees, that at least is encouraged even before one chose your Path at the College.
    I flipped open my cloak and gripped the owl pommel of my sword and opened the door. The clash of steel echoed loud in the air. A very familiar sound indeed. This would take my mind of my troubles.
    My lungs were burning as sweat ran down my forehead. The sword was heavy in my hands, but a broad grin adorned my face, I revelled in the fight. I swept my sword up ready for another flurry of blows. I had beaten several of the year one Blades Path initiates, but I still felt I need more.
    “Excuse me, sir. Ah, Gareth. I need to speak with you.” A call came from behind.
    I just ignored it. I needed to better my swordsmanship. There was so much to learn.
    “Ah, sir! I must protest. It is an urgent matter, the Grand Master will see you.”
    I stopped mid swing down on the panicking initiate’s armoured shoulder. I grunted at him,
    “Good fight. But, I need to go.”
    As if he was holding his breath in for a long time, the Blades Path initiate nodded and started panting out of breath.
    With it, I turned towards the man calling out to me. I looked at the other initiates and pointed my sword at them, eliciting several worried looks from them.
    I turned my head to the man in the grey robe.
    “Take me to her.”
    “Follow me.” He said hastily, with quite a bit of uncertainty in his features. He was probably wondering why on earth the Grand Master would see me so quickly.
    It took a while to move through the massive College, but upon reaching the Northern most wing of the College, the man stopped and ushered me into the small hallway that led to my mother’s study.
    Small lights danced across the wall, it was pretty, could even be described as mesmerizing. But, I wanted to talk to her about what happened to my friend. Her plight was my mission and I would ask my mother’s help in finding a way to free her.
    I approached the couch closer to the door and sat, but quickly shouts from inside the room caught my intension. Even the door did little to muffle the words.
    “I can’t tell you what I found, I have to show you......I can’t. I have been trying to tell you. If the wrong person overheard... It is too dangerous!... Why won’t you listen to me...”
    The door swung open and a man I knew well from my years of studying, Tarkin Ryhom. His characteristic pointy beard was still a full flung feature on his angular face. The pure anxiousness all over his features however, was not. He looked like he saw a terrifying thing and nobody believed him.
    He walked past me with hardly even a nod while muttering,
    “They need to believe me. I have to...”
    “Tarkin! Don’t go, why can’t you just tell me what you saw?” A woman with great poise called out after the man. Her flowing robes were glorious, it shimmered in the light sparkling across the midnight blue material like stars. My mother, the Grand Master.
    “For the last time, I can’t, it is too dangerous. I have to show you.”
    With that, he left the hall, passing by a group of adventurers walking by.
    The Grand Master sighed deeply before straightening her posture. Clearly she realised there was someone else there. She turned to me and her features softened quite considerably.
    “I am sorry you had to see that.” She moved gracefully forward and swept me up in a hug. “I missed you.”
    “Um, you are squeezing too tight. Ugh. I missed you too mom, dad says hi.”
    She let me go and smiled broadly.
    “Good, now come in.” She said as she walked back into her study, “We have lots to talk about. Tell me what you have been up to the last few years. I want to know everything.”
    When I did not follow, she stopped and worry filled her eyes.
    “What is wrong, Gareth? You look pale.”
    I took a shuddering breath.
    “Mom, something terrible has happened. Lezaria is in great trouble. I need your help.”

    Edit: I just went over it once to remove the most obvious mistakes.
    Last edited by XCali; 04-05-2019 at 07:10 AM.

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