Quote Originally Posted by BeagleBob View Post
I want to install Ubuntu on my lappy, but the only thing keeping me is I wouldn't be able to reinstall CC2. I took a look at some other mapping software and was generally disappointed. Inkscape looks promising though, except for one thing:

I am always using the modifiers to construct objects in CC2 (midpoint, point on, endpoint, perpendicular to, parallel to, etc). Is there a way to achieve these functions in Inkscape, or is there any other software which can do this?

I am also considering getting CC3 and trying to run it on Wine, but would like to know if it works first. Has anybody tried running either CC2 or CC3 on Wine?
Not sure about CC3 running on Wine, but I know some people have gotten Fractal Mapper 8 working under Wine, if that's an option for you. Otherwise, you could try GIMP and Inkscape as a combo. Many people here use GIMP and you can make some very great maps if your willing to put some time into learning it. Plus, there are some great tutorials here for GIMP as well as quite a few plug-in's which seriously help expand it's usefullness.