Hey Kalyb, Where to go for fantasy map making information.... hmm let me think... yup - right here

Theres sections on software and which one might be best for you. Thats generally split into raster apps (paint programs like Gimp, Photoshop etc), Vector apps ( like Inkscape, Xara etc ) and Stamp/token based apps ( DungeonForge, Dundjinni and theres also my little app ). Some of the apps hybrid between the types a bit like CC3 where you can draw lines and put down tokens too.

If your artistic then the raster ones are good. If your technical then the vector ones are good. The stamp token based ones are good for people who want to build up maps fast with less artistic ability but are more limited in other ways but I think this is the area you should look at first as your putting down blocks of art somebody else has gone to the trouble of making.