Salut Chris et bienvenue

Le forum est envahi de français depuis un bail (ils n'arrivent pas à se débarrasser de nous ).

You'll see the community is really friendly and helpful. My advice to better your maps : seek what you love, study it, draw and submit. You'll get plenty of great feedback from really talented people or just experienced ones which is as valuable. Another great thing at the Guild is its Challenges which are not just (friendly, I insist) competitions but real occasion to try new things in a limited time frame and really push your art further. Pour avoir fréquenté des ateliers d'écriture, la contrainte est toujours féconde et ça vaut aussi pour les cartes.

About your map I love the sketchiness Kell talked about and the muted colors plus limited details make for a great military style. I hope to see more from you

Cheers mate !