Quote Originally Posted by james169 View Post
In CC3 I worry less about Layers than I do about Sheets. I almost don't even care about the Layers function anymore.
LOL! You put what I put above and in retrospect I said absolutely NOTHING

As you may have noticed by the time my replace was posted it was 5:30 AM Pacific time. At that time I was awake all night and getting a little fried.

Let me clarify.

As Jaerdeph said, layers are nice to group things together (like all Rivers), but I find because the SHEETS do things pretty much identical, the LAYERS function has become something I pretty much ignore now.

That said, let me see if I can actually answer your question.

One a whole bunch of symbols have been placed on the map they become difficult to single out. Difficult, but not impossible.

Now, without knowing the details of what you are trying to hide/etc. I know you know. And you likely know what sheet you placed it on. So, you could likely start by hiding all other SHEETS than the one you believe the Entities are on. (I.E. you want to hide a forest, start by hiding all SHEETS except for FOREST sheet)

Once you have located it, then select the item(s) you want, (with the CHANGE PROPERTIES tool) and then through the dialog window change the LAYER you want it on.

Sorry that my previous answer was a little 'off'