You cant take these challenges too seriously. I have entered about 15 and the highest place I got was 2nd. But that was on a month with only 2 entries. I have had some where I entered stuff I was really pleased with and thought maybe I could win but never made top half. Almost every month my top place choice doesn't win it though its usual that the final winner is still a great entry. I have also noticed that whoever leads early usually wins it too. I.e. there must either be broad consensus about the winner or that subsequent voters are persuaded by the current vote count. I cant think of a time where the leader was pipped by my memory is short. There has been people that have pulled out and got votes with one month where the guy only posted a place holder and got a vote too. Certainly its a strange place to examine. I can say it this month as I am not partaking but it usually leaves me mystified. Its about time I voted so just hope you don't get mine as I seem to back the non winners.