I really like the glaciers.
Thanks. I've noticed that's one thing missing from most of the styles I've seen. Even the Fenlon style as it comes is lacking these. I ended up just making a couple of new drawing tools. The first draws a white, curvy area outlined in pale blue. The second is just pale blue curvy lines that I use for the crevasses to give the glaciers form. Rather than dealing with drawing order so that the glaciers were behind some mountains and in front of others, I just drew around the foreground mountains. Probably not the best solution, but it worked OK here.

And I agree that the Pete Fenlon map style is amazing. My friend has a good collection of MERP books, and I like looking through the maps in those. One thing I like about CC3 is how it's possible to mimic particular mapping styles, such as this one, or the Wroot style used in the Cyradon map. I'd love to see Harn style maps at some point (for CC3, I have Mappa Harnica for CC2 but that doesn't work with the newer program) as I also like looking at the maps in his Harn books.