I like the mountains. And the cities/towns. And the coasts, stuff in the water, and hills in the woods. About the only thing I'm not really sold on are the trees. Some of them look like mushrooms to me, others like various odd creatures running around on two legs. They just don't naturally scan as trees for me, though I obviously can tell they're meant to be forests, so I can't say they don't work. (An exception for Telir's Oak, obviously. That has a fine bare-tree look.) I think I'd like something pointier if they're meant to be conifers and something more rounded if they're meant to be deciduous. If nobody else has the same impression of the trees, go ahead and ignore my reaction. It might just be me. Anyway, its a fine map overall and I think it scanned pretty well. It definitely looks better than most of the photography attempts, at least.