Thank you, Talamar, for the compliment. And no need to qualify the recommendation of CC3 (unless, of course, Profantasy gives you a financial kickback! ) I need all the help I can get!

I did look into CC2 awhile back due to its popularity, and unfortunately was not overly impressed. CC3 is much, much better (kudos to the Profantasy guys!), but I'm going to stick with Illustrator/Photoshop since I've already started learning them; they are much more flexible and powerful, albeit with a steeper learning curve. I do own Dundjinni & have had much success & enjoyment with it, but I think I'll even start making my floor plans with the Adobe suite--especially since I found tutorials such as this, which I am definitely going to try to adapt to my RPG! (Or just steal outright, if a luxury cruise ship ever pulls into one of my medieval ports!)

Thanks again so much for your compliment & input; both truly mean a lot to me.
