Quote Originally Posted by RPMiller
LOL Anything you can improve... you're funny. That is a really nice map!
Wow--thanks! I've always liked maps You should see my 1986 high school geometry notebook: while the other kids were doodling the words "Rebel Yell" out of lightning bolts, I was mapping the mythical, black land of "Quadratica" and its evil, mathamagician king Pythagor-ass :wink:

Quote Originally Posted by RPMiller
I guess if I were to really, and I mean really, get nitpicky I would say the hashing on the ocean needs to be reduced.

Typically that style of hashing only goes a short distance off the coast it doesn't fill the body of water.
Yes, I've noticed fantasy mappers love that style, and my first draft of this one did it too. Instead I decided to half-copy a style I found in J.B. Post's An Atlas of Fantasy (Ballantine, 1979): it's a 1935 map of "The Three Kingdoms" for an E.R. Eddison book I don't know (Mistress of Mistresses, which I've never read); for that map, water is filled with a series of parallel lines much like on my map. Although it's odd that the water is darker than the land, it looks nice--so I decided to pay the compliment of stealing it. On the "pattern" map, though, the lines are twice as thick as mine, twice as frequent, and a bit "messier," but it's a black & white ink job so it needed that fill, whereas mine is an attempt at an ink on watercolor that can rely on color for much of the fill effect.

Wow. I sure didn't mean to write a dissertation for a reply! Sorry 'bout that!

Anyway, I know you said you're being "nitpicky," but do you think the lines look silly, odd, or just different? Thanks for the initial look-see; if you have any other advice I'd love it!