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Thread: Niw Chronicle

  1. #11
    Guild Apprentice
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadLetter View Post
    I really really like your map. The borders and all look very nice and the lands seem interesting.

    by the way: Make germany powerful!

    Don't forget germany too had colonies back in the day!
    Don't worry, Germany (or The Great Prussian Empire) is amazingly huge. Here's a partial list of their holdings:
    Deutsch-Neuguinea (hald of the island of New Guinea and many islands)
    Deutsch-Ostafrika (Burundi, Rwanda and Tanganyika)
    Deutsch-Südwestafrika (Namibia)
    Kamerun (Camerun and Nigeria)
    Kiautschou Bay (small)
    Klein Venedig (Columbia)
    Patagonien, Südliche (the Southern 2/3 of Argentina)
    Prussia (Germany and most of Poland)
    Yantai (small)

    The big winner in my alternative history is Denmark (which I refer to as the Danelaw). They control the Netherlands, so most of the Dutch Colonies are controlled by the Danes. Sadly, many of the hodings are small, but they're EVERYWHERE. They really control the seas, striking with small swift ships from their island holdfasts... Let's face it, the only thing cooler than Vikings are Ninjas.

    Cape Horn
    Danelaw (Denmark, Netherlands, Brussels, Luxembourg, Norway, and a chunk of southern Sweden)
    Erik the Red's Land (Greenland)
    L˙šveldiš (Iceland)
    Netherland Antillies
    Niw Saxony (Most of Indonesia)
    Niw Vinland (Newfoundland)
    Niw Sjęlland (New Zealand's Southern Island)
    North Islands (Outer Hebrides, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands, and the Faroe Islands)
    Suriname (Suriname and Guyana)
    Svalbard (the Svalbard Islands)
    Tijssen (South Australia)

  2. #12


    Sounds fun and interesting!

    I'm interested on how this continues... esp. once I can *see* the Prussian Empires Holdings.

    Keep going!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadLetter View Post
    I'm interested on how this continues... esp. once I can *see* the Prussian Empires Holdings.
    I have a fan. I may cry... Sniffle.

    Prussia is the next Empire Map I'm doing. So you won't have to wait more than a few days.

  4. #14


    *greedily rubs hands*

    By the way, would you mind telling me/us how you're doing the borders? They look really nice!

  5. #15


    I think overlordchuck was joking
    Indeed I was. I thought it was sufficiently obvious enough that an emoticon was unnecessary.

    Any modern fantasy is inherently Tolkien-esque due to his profound influence on the genre. So even if an author didn't reference Tolkien directly, simply by being in genre, they are copying him.
    I would agree for the most part, but I began reading historical fantasy last summer, which is so distinctly different than the generic high fantasy genre. Currently reading the second book from "Monarchies of God" by Paul Kerney. Also read three books by Guy Gavriel Kay, and "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by Guy Gavriel Kay. The latter is by far the best series I have ever read in my life. I suggest everyone alive go get all four books and read them immediately.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by overlordchuck View Post
    Indeed I was. I thought it was sufficiently obvious enough that an emoticon was unnecessary.
    Once again, I apologize. Don't know y'all or your senses of humor. There are assholes out there, after all!

    Quote Originally Posted by overlordchuck View Post
    Also read three books by Guy Gavriel Kay, and "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by Guy Gavriel Kay. The latter is by far the best series I have ever read in my life.
    Yes. G.R.R. Martin is a god. A slothenly god. Where the heck is A Dance with Dragons?
    Ša Sęlig Fērscipe of Dreörcnihtes

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  7. #17
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by overlordchuck View Post
    "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by Guy Gavriel Kay.

    Wash your mouth out sir!

    Edit: Gah! Cancerlad noticed the mistake first.

    And aye... I remember getting A Game of Thrones from the book club I used to be in when it came out in hardback... if I'd known then that he'd only be halfway through the series all these years later I'd have sent the damn thing back.
    Last edited by Ramah; 03-26-2009 at 12:42 PM.

  8. #18


    Oops, meant George R.R. Martin. Sorry for that blasphemy. Had just typed out how I had read some Guy Gavriel Kay and I guess I just had Gs on the mind. And indeed, he is a godly example of fantasy authory (now officially decreed a word). And he really does need to hurry his self up.

    EDIT: There don't seem to be any assholes on this forum, surprisingly. We all seem to be some fairly tolerable folk here.

  9. #19
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    There are assholes out there, after all!
    Hey! I resemble that!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by overlordchuck View Post
    EDIT: There don't seem to be any assholes on this forum, surprisingly. We all seem to be some fairly tolerable folk here.
    QFT. It's refreshing in an online board, you know?
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